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Certified Public Accountants

Specializing in accounting services for both small businesses and individuals,
providing the taxation expertise and knowledge you expect and deserve.

We are a Certified Public Accounting firm based in New York City, serving clients across the country and around the world. We work closely with our clients on a year-round basis and confidently handle all financial and tax issues that may arise. We keep current with all new tax laws and legislation both at the federal level and in every state, to ensure we minimize your current and future tax liabilities.

With more than 30 years of experience, we provide the taxation expertise and knowledge you expect and deserve.

Our Services


Tax PreparationTax Preparation Icon

We confidently prepare tax returns for all business types, estates, trusts, and individuals. A CPA will always diligently review your tax return to ensure it is accurate and your tax liability is minimized.

Tax & Financial

Tax and Financial Planning IconTax and Financial Planning

Changes in your personal life often lead to tax and financial planning opportunities whether it be planning for retirement, investing, buying or selling a home, starting a business, moving, getting married, having a child…


Ongoing Business Services IconOngoing Business Services Icon

Self-employed individuals and small business owners will find it to their advantage working with a CPA on a year-round basis to capitalize on the constantly evolving tax landscape.

New Business
Set Up

New Business Set Up IconNew Business Set Up Icon

We are here to advise clients of the various business entity types and make recommendations based on your specific circumstances. We can handle all federal and state registrations for new businesses and are able to provide bookkeeping training.


Professional Representation IconProfessional Representation Icon

We are equipped to handle any personal or business audits, sales tax audits, and insurance audits. We promptly respond on behalf of our clients to any notices received by the IRS or state taxing authorities.

We apply our vast experience, knowledge, and resources to generate a product that is both accurate and tax-efficient. All of our services are reviewed by a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) before being finalized. We spend the time to make sure each client receives the necessary tax guidance and advice curated to their unique circumstance to avoid any unwanted tax surprises.

What Our Clients Say:

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